Family Law

Family Law


family lawThe Law Office of Lisa A. Modecker is a client-oriented family law firm with a focus on helping individuals resolve issues relating to family law.

Family law addresses all matters related to interpersonal relationships and the law. This includes issues such as uncontested divorces, important issues with child custody and child support, as well as visitation and determining proper allocation of parenting responsibilities.

Whether it’s non-contested divorce, child support or working to retain your parental rights, family law will play a direct role in outcome of your case. When your future and the well-being of your family is on the line, it is important that you contact an experienced  family lawyer who understands domestic relationships and can guide you through this difficult time.

Family law issues are sensitive and require the expertise of a dedicated and caring legal professional that focuses in matters pertaining to family law. You and your family can always trust the hardworking and reputable family law Attorney Lisa Modecker. Our representation embraces the alternative dispute resolution methods (mediation and collaborative law).